International Learning City-Region Talks

In association with the Municipality of Pécs and EAEA, MELLearN – Hungarian Universities LLL Network, the University of Pécs, the Learning City-Region Forum of Pécs and ASEM LLL Hub Research Network on Learning Cities and Regions are organizing a special event called International Learning City Talks for 19. September 2024, on the theme of:

Theme: Learning Cities Learning from Each Other

Effective and Inclusive Knowledge Transfer in Communities for Sustainable Quality Lifelong Learning


House of Civic Communities – 7624 Pécs, Szent István Square 17. – Hybrid event

19th of September, 2024
10.00 am – 3.00 pm CET



10.00 -10.20 am Welcome addresses:

Raul Valdes-Cotera – Chief Proramme Co-ordinator at UNESCO UIL in Hamburg, Germany

Uwe Gartenschlaeger - Director of DVV International in Bonn, Germany/ President of EAEA

István Tarrósy – Director of the International Centre at the University of Pécs, Hungary

Péter Várnagy – Vice-Dean for Foreign Affairs at Faculty of Humanities-University of Pécs, Hungary


10.20 – 11.20 am Round table on Adult Learning Trends, WPL, and WBL focuses, and Community-Learning Developments in Pécs

Éva Farkas - Adult Education Expert and Chair of IACE HOF: Key Trends and Recent Developments in Adult Learning and Education in Europe

Gábor Erdei – University of Debrecen, Hungary/ ASEM LLL RN2: Bridging Workplace Learning and Learning Cities 

Carmel Berendi and Balázs Németh - Pécs Learning City Programme, Hungary: Learning City Pécs – Choices and Limitations


11.20 -11.30 pm Coffee-break

11.30 – 12.30 am Learning Cities Track 1 - Asian Learning Cities Developments

Yukiko Sawano - Department of Education of University of the Sacred Heart in Tokyo, Japan: Citizen’s Learning Together — Some cases of “Citizen’s University” and nonformal learning organizations in Japan

Suwithida Charungkaittikul - Non-formal Education Division at Department of Lifelong Education, Faculty of Education of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand: Current practices and the future strategies to create more lifelong learning cities in Thailand

Tarra Ann M. Pagdanganan -  City Education & Excellence Development Office in Balanga, Philippines: How Balanga Built a Sustainable Future through Education

12.30 – 1.30 pm Lunch Break 

1.30 – 3.00 pm Learning Cities Track2 - European Learning Cities Reflecting Sustainable Communities

Aziz Orfia - Neighbourhood Services Department of the City of Lausanne, Switzerland: Lausanne Learning City: Organization, Action Plan and Current Projects. The Case of ‘Participatory Budget’

Victoria Furhalo – City Institute of Lviv, Ukraine: Non-formal Education in Libraries – Cases from Lviv Learning City, Ukraine

Denis Barrett – City Council of Cork, Ireland: Multi-stakeholder approaches to addressing climate challenges at local level through lifelong learning – perspectives from Cork UNESCO Learning City

Roberta Piazza - University of Catania, Italy: Italian Learning Cities in Progress

Marta Jendeková – Akademia Istropolitana-AINova, Slovakia: Case of Slovakia - Learning City of Trnava to Inspire Bratislava as Capital City of Slovakia


In case you decide to participate in our Programme online, please join our link:

Meeting ID: 837 5459 2385

Passcode: 786893                                                                                                         

Further information can be accessed here: and

Partners: PASCAL Int. Observatory and its Learning Cities Network, Pécs Learning City Festival, Educators’ House Association-NHE, IACE HOF Europe, Eramus+ LEAP II Project, EPALE Hungary and Pécsi Civil Pályázati Alap/ Civic Programme-Grant of the Municipality of Pécs

„A MELLearN Felsőoktatási LLL Egyesület ’International Learning City-Region Talks’ konferenciáját Pécs Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata támogatta a Pécsi Civil Pályázati Alap terhére”